Libis Bueno, Nominated Board Member Of The Central Massachusetts Workforce Investment Board

“Guiding resources for a stronger workforce…”

Domitek President, Libis Bueno, has recently been nominated to serve on the board for the Central Massachusetts Workforce Investment Board (CMWIB). As a board member, Libis will be invited to meet on issues regarding employment in Massachusetts. A major goal of this board is to set policy and develop strategies that will help our labor force and employers improve, and look toward the future of employment in our state.

The board functions to fulfill several goals, one of which is to reduce welfare dependency. Additionally, through combined efforts and communication, this board assists employers in finding qualified workers, increases youth employability, and help employees compete in the global market. Libis sees this as a good opportunity to get involved, and to have a voice for the youth. Knowing how important early experience can be in a career, Libis also looks forward to providing opportunities for job placement, Furthermore, as a board member, Libis feels he will be able to bring even more value to his clients as he gains a more full understanding of services made available to the business community through the unemployment  department.

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