How to safeguard protected health information

Protected health information (PHI) includes medical records, lab results, diagnoses, treatment plans, and payment details. As healthcare continues to move toward digital platforms and data sharing, it is crucial to have the following measures in place to safeguard PHI from cyberattacks. Perform regular risk assessments To keep PHI safe, healthcare organizations must identify potential vulnerabilities […]

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Crucial tips to protect customers’ PHI

If your business handles protected health information (PHI), it’s your duty to take every step possible to ensure that your clients’ data is secured. Cybercriminals often target PHI because it contains personal, medical, and financial information that they can exploit for profit.

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PHI best practices that all business leaders should know

Protected health information (PHI) is a common target of cybercriminals, as the personal, medical, and financial information that comprise it can be abused for financial gain. This is why businesses that handle PHI should take every step possible to ensure that their clients’ data is always protected.

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Preventing insider threats in the healthcare sector

Insider threats are security risks that come from within your organization. They could be any of your current or former employees, contractors, or associates who have knowledge about your computer systems and can expose your data. They are a major issue in many industries, the healthcare sector included.

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How to secure protected health information

Protected health information (PHI) includes different types of data, including a patient’s Social Security number, billing information, and health condition. Because of the wealth of confidential information it encompasses, PHI is highly valuable to hackers, who can use stolen PHI to carry out fraudulent activities.

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How to defend against insider threats

First off, what is an insider threat in healthcare? An insider threat is an individual inside an organization discovered to have been accessing healthcare records without authorization. Healthcare companies must take steps to reduce the potential for insider threats, which is their top source of security incidents.

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